Home - Office of the Superintendent
A Message from the Superintendent
Welcome to the Stephenville ISD website! We hope that you find our site easy to navigate and full of useful information about one of the best schools in Texas. Stephenville ISD is home to approximately 3,600 students and services over 232 square miles. Preparing our students for an ever-changing world is a challenge that our School District takes very seriously. Dedicated teachers along with an amazing support staff couple to help build the necessary skills that our students need for tomorrow.
The culture of our community helps direct our school district and provides tremendous support to our faculty, staff, and students. Stephenville is known not only as the “Cowboy Capital of the World”, but also as the “City of Champions”. Our extra-curricular achievements have resulted in a top-five rating the past two years in the UIL Lone Star Cup Standings and our students and staff exhibit a warm, polite and caring attitude. Our academics are also second to none with standardized test scores among the State’s best.
These indicators tell only a small picture of the expectations and positive learning culture that enables our student success. We truly believe that we have a special and unique public education experience at Stephenville ISD. Enjoy our website and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Contact Information
You are invited to visit our campuses and our administrative offices at your leisure. Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office at your child's campus or the pertinent school district department listed below:
Stephenville ISD Central Administration Office:
2655 West Overhill Drive, Stephenville, Texas 76401
Phone: (254) 968-7990
Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Eric Cederstrom
Executive Director for Finance & Operations/CFO - Mr. Tim Sherrod
Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction - Ms. Kelly Magin
Executive Director of Human Resources & Student Services - Ms. Kathy Hampton
Executive Director of Technology & Digital Learning - Mr. John Briese
Director of Child Nutrition - Ms. Mona Little (254) 968-4826
Director of Child Nutrition - Ms. Mona Little (254) 968-4826
Director of Communications - Ms. Jennifer Salyards (254) 968-7990
Director of Maintenance - Mr. Tom Airola (254) 968-7328
Director of Special Education - Ms. Blessing Wright (254) 968-6790
Director of Testing & Accountability - Ms. Renee Goodwin
Director of Transportation - Ms. Carey Arthur (254) 968-3759
Stephenville High School – Principal: Ms. Stephanie Traweek; grades 9-12;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Brittany Boykin
Assistant Principal: Dr. John Underwood
Stephenville High School – Principal: Ms. Stephanie Traweek; grades 9-12;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Brittany Boykin
Assistant Principal: Dr. John Underwood
Assistant Principal: Dr. Doug Funk
2650 West Overhill Drive, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-4141
Henderson Jr. High School – Principal: Dr. Josh Holt grades 7-8;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Mary Anderson
Henderson Jr. High School – Principal: Dr. Josh Holt grades 7-8;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Mary Anderson
2798 W. Frey Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-6967
Gilbert Intermediate School – Principal: Mr. Victor Sauceda; grades 5-6;
Gilbert Intermediate School – Principal: Mr. Victor Sauceda; grades 5-6;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Jane Black
950 N. Dale Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-4664
Hook Elementary School – Principal: Ms. Mica Rudd; grades 3-4;
Hook Elementary School – Principal: Ms. Mica Rudd; grades 3-4;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Krista Skiles
1067 W. Jones Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-3213
Chamberlin Elementary School – Principal: Ms. Joanie Bennett; grades 1-2;
1067 W. Jones Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-3213
Chamberlin Elementary School – Principal: Ms. Joanie Bennett; grades 1-2;
Assistant Principal: Mr. Shelby Sharp
1601 W. Frey Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-2311
Central Elementary School – Principal: Ms. Esther Tucker; grades Early Childhood – Kindergarten;
1601 W. Frey Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-2311
Central Elementary School – Principal: Ms. Esther Tucker; grades Early Childhood – Kindergarten;
Assistant Principal: Ms. Chelsey Drummond
780 W. Washington Street, Stephenville, Texas 76401; (254) 968-3716