Registration FAQ
Who do I call if I don’t understand a question or other information on the form?
Campus registrars are available on every campus to answer questions and provide clarification. Parents may also call (254.968.7990) the district student accounting officer (PEIMS Coordinator).
I don’t have a computer at home. How may I register my student?
Stephenville ISD will provide computer access for any parent without a computer at home. Parents may visit any campus office for computer assistance.
How will I know when I submit the form that my student is truly enrolled?
Once parents/guardians have completed the enrollment/registration and clicked the submit button, parents/guardians will receive an email verifying that enrollment/registration has been received.
How do I know when registration is open to enroll students?
Enrollment information will be posted on the district/campus websites. Parents may register any time online from a home computer.
For parents/guardians without home computer access, each campus office as well as the administration office have kiosks that can be used during regular business hours to complete enrollment/registration.
What do I do with documents the school needs?
Documents can be dropped off at the campus office during regular school hours. The required documents for enrollment are:
Birth Certificate or other documentation providing proof of identity and age of student. Other acceptable forms of documentation are: foreign birth certificate, passport, hospital birth record, adoption records, church baptismal record, statement of the child’s date of birth issued for school admission purposes by the division of the Texas Department of State Health Services responsible for vital statistics, previously verified school records, or any other documents permitted by law that establishes identity and age. This information will only be used to establish the identity and age of a child for enrollment purposes.
Immunization Records
Proof of Residency - Acceptable documents: utility bills, mortgage or lease agreements, parent affidavits, rent payment receipts, a copy of a money order made for payment of rent, or a letter from a parent's employer that is written on company letterhead to establish residency.
Social Security Card - This documentation is asked for upon enrollment but it is not a required document. Not providing this documentation will not bar student enrollment.
Can I complete the registration forms on paper?
All registration forms will be completed electronically. No paper registration forms will be accepted.
Will the school contact me if my registration forms are incomplete or need clarification?
Yes. The campus registrar will contact parents/guardians if any additional information is needed.