Public Information Request
Local Government Code 201.003(8) defines a local government record. Local Government Code 203.021 discusses implementation of the Local Government Records Act. Local Government Code 203.022 requires that a Local Governmental Unit; a school district is required to name a Custodian of the District’s Records. These are outlined in District Policy CPC (Legal) and are linked below.
Information requests from this governmental body may be made in writing to the following contact:
Renee Goodwin, Director of Assessment and Accountability
Offices at 2655 W. Overhill Drive, Stephenville, Texas 76401
Email address: [email protected]
The Stephenville Independent School District has designated the email address [email protected] as the District's official email to receive any and all public information requests. As such, requests for information that are sent to any other District email address are not considered "received" and will not be processed unless the requestor sends the request to [email protected].
Information access policy for the district is GBAA (Legal) and GBAA (Local).
Stephenville ISD posts information regarding Financial Transparency on the District’s Financial Transparency Page.